Current Council Members |
The Council is elected by vote of the full Knights every 6 months. The elected positions are GM, AGM, KOR, and Warlord. The other seats of the coucil are appointed by those elected. To Hold a coucil seat one must be a full knight in good standing. The current council will hold office from :July - January 2000/2001. If there is a vacancy and you wish to provide service to the guild by holding that specific office please contact the GM |
Guild Master | Ruddack Au'Bannon | Knight Valiant |
Assistant Guild Master | Deldin | Knight ... |
Knight Of the Rose | Sapsar DeThraven | Knight Valiant |
WarLord | Tralan DeThraven | Sword Knight |
Saneschal/Scribe | Fair Star Au'Bannon | Dragon Knight |
Hearald | . | . |
Applications Master/Mistress | Jaid | Knight . . . |
Prior | . | . |
Master at Arms | . | . |
Advisors | . | . |